Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Bombatölcsér weekend tour 04.-06.July 2014

Everything started with a simple invitation to support the Slovakian show of a

Mexican band Nazareno el Violento on their EU tour on Sunday. 

We accidentallygot another invitation for the same weekend's Friday from Vsetin to participate in

the opening party of a new club called Vesmir. We just had to find a show for 

the Saturday inbetween, and here we go, the mini-tour is ready! :) Well, it was not

that easy after all, we had already had plans to join the Swedish band Gust

after the Vsetin concert where they were the headliners and go with them to

Budapest, but it would have been a crazy, long journey which we had to finance

from our own empty pockets, so we'd better arranged the excellent hardcore club

Plan B in Ostrava to host a show for us.

On Friday after work we started with a two-hour delay compared to what we had

planned as we had to collect our instruments and amplifiers from two different

rehearsal rooms (thanks to Filip from Morsa for lending us his bass head!).We

could not find a  driver crazy enough to join us for these three days, so we had

one seat free. In Brno we also picked up Kuba (You Have Not Enough Materials

crew) with two litres of wine and set sail on the roads... By the time we got to

Vsetin, Veto had already played and on the stage Zkažená Mysl was heating up the

already warmed-up crowd. We have already played an excellent show in Vsetin

before and we had some expectations which were met immediately by entering the club: good

atmosphere, lots of friendly people (many young punks/ crusties etc.), superb

sound... The club itself is very spacious and was just half-ready: everywhere we

could see the signs of renovation, the walls were not covered, the furniture

seemed temporary as of yet... Also there were bricks, wooden boards and sticks

just put aside in a rush into some corners... One almost made us finish our tour

earlier when two drunk girls accidentally pushed one 3 metres long wooden board

which fell off and hit me on my shoulders, just some centimetres missing my


By the way, the main band Gust from Sweden played some US-type Hardcore and they

were pretty much successful with it, though I did not find them extraordinary at

all. The audience was all the time supportive and fortunately they did not get

tired for our show, either, what is more... Even from the first seconds an

unbelievable mosh started creating superb atmosphere thru our short set. Miro

had to draw back even to my drumset because of the people pogo dancing

everywhere:) One of the best shows Bomba has ever played, I guess... For the

night we stayed in the club and could sleep on the stalls and benches with no

problem, but as it is in the basement and there are no windows at all, we could

hardly notice the sun is already brightly shining outside...

To Ostrava we took Vendula (organizer girl of Vsetin show) and her dog and

stayed at her place till the evening show. We had to be there the earliest as it

was me who organized the show in Plan B. Actually Jakub (owner of Plan B) was

kind to provide delicious food and beers for the bands, which I invited (had to find the bands

in some days and was lucky to get them from Ostrava region). I did not expect

many people as I have heard crust and grind has no stable base in Ostrava and

the gossip was right. There were 8.5 people paying the entrance (one gave more

than the actual entrance fee to support us:), so it was more like a family

occasion with friend bands we have already played with some times: Personality

Lapse and Nakopalypsa. Also the weather was pretty much bright, so people has

chosen having fun outside and not in a club with 40 `C... Or they must have been

saving their energy for the Kylesa Sunday show in the same town the next day.

Anyways, the party was pretty cool, the bands played with no nervosity in a superb club and

I think everyone enjoyed themselves till early morning when they finally could

close... :)

The day after we were prepared to the trip to Slovakia... Our GPS, however, was

not... Having no maps at all, at Vendula's place we checked the road to Bánovce

nad Bebravou and memorized it using a draft her roomate created for some other

occasion (see photo below:)

It worked well and we could find our way out from

Czech Republic (only thing was that we wanted to avoid the direction to Frýdek-

Místek being it 15-20 kilometres more, but during searching for the right way in

the end we made rounds within Ostrava that were probably more than that in

kilometres.. and in the end guess what? ...we ended up in Frýdek-Místek :D).

In Slovakia at first we went to Prievidza, our new vocalist, Miro's hometown.

After having a delicious lunch (thanks PeGy!) and some beers, joined by the

local deathcore brigade Stercore, we headed for Bánovce nad Bebravou, which is a

tiny town near the Czech border. It was quite early that we got there but there

were already people in the club. Their numbers just continuously grew, so a

healthy crowd was collected in that Sunday evening after all. the first band I

didn't see because we were just making friends with the Mexican band that time.

As a result I managed to trade many of my stuffs with them and for their T-

shirts (4, so 1 for each Bomba member) and we decided to play our show in their

T-shirts. I don't know if there were any people that thought that we were 

already the Mexican band on the stage: well, if they liked our show, we were

Bomba, if they don't, yes, that band was the Mexican one, hehehe (just kidding).

Before us Stercore played, precise, math-like deathcore with a superb sound.

They had a new bassist playing with fingers, technically amazing. I would put

more of the faster passages into their music to increase intensity, but overall it

was an enjoyable set. After us indeed the Mexican band was to come with the

name Nazareno el Violento. Intensity was not amiss here and we could witness a

gorgeous show with full-energy. I was standing just somewhere in the back as it

was not possible to get too close to the band because of the moshing people in

the pit. The small cellar-like place turned to be a sweating hot hellhole in

some minutes, that's for sure!

Overall, a nice closing show for this excellent weekend, only the long way to

home was waiting for us as next day we had to go to work again... back to

everydays' bleak reality. Ahhhh.. and that goulash from soy with cabbage... delicious!

With the plum inside, as later it turned out to be, unique but proven to have been a brilliant


ps. From this tour on it becomes a habit to drink a shot of Jack Daniel's before each Bomba-gig:)

Just for the sake of a good show to happen...:)