Friday, 16 August 2013

Brno-city scene news

As Mad Pigs has already sung about it, it is Brno not L.A., still there are constantly many things happening here and around in the underground HC/Punk scene. From time to time I plan to summarize Brno activities because you might just miss some great shows or some new demos/ recordings because of the lack (or overflow) of information.

In July they recorded an excellent demo in Prostejov, here you can hear the complete result:
Highly recommended if you are keen on some Anarcho-punk, sometimes melodious, sometimes experimental.

Brünner Todesmarsch:
Their first recording is out on CD-R format simply called 'Demo I' containing 5 songs + a Tampere SS cover, altogether in 7 minutes. some more info is on their brandnew website as well, I think:
They recorded some more songs, which will come out soon on a split 7"EP with.... (details later!!!:)

There will be quite many shows again in the end of summer, hopefully some of you will find time and money to visit these smaller club-concerts beside the bigger summer fests:)

20.08. Vegalite:
Alert (Israel) + Brünner Todesmarsch + Alkalmatlankodik

20.09. Vegalite:
Hanoi (Hun), New Dead Project (Hun), Finis Afemie, Stridor

09.26. ??? (venue is not settled yet)
VILE INTENT (powerviolence from Canada!!)

09.15. Boro club
Bloody Phoenix

Bombatölcsér on bandcamp!!!

As I noticed that at some websites it is already downloadable, I decided to share the whole Bombatölcsér demo/ 7"EP for the online listeners. Now you can get it in a better quality and at least the song-order is correct (and it does not include our songs from the Brno compilation:). So here it is, just enjoy: